A Squall in Acadia

Hi everyone!

Last summer I went to Acadia Maine.

One afternoon, I was standing on the deck of the cabin eating some raspberries, and enjoying the nature around me.


Then, I noticed some large clouds approaching and took out my camera to get a few cool shots.



Within a few minutes, the storm had reached our cove and I rushed inside to protect my camera.  The rain pounded against the glass windows and the wind blew the deck chairs onto the lawn.

After a few minutes, the short little squall disappeared leaving us with a clear sky!

Have you ever been caught in a short storm?

Thanks for reading!




2 thoughts on “A Squall in Acadia”

  1. I wouldn’t have thought to do these pics in black and white, but I love them!! The contrast with the first pic of the raspberries is cool.


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